Sometimes, bus trips can be long. I don’t mean in the sense that it’s long from a simple hours perspective; I mean in the way where you are riding the bus for three hours, then look at your watch and realize that only fifteen minutes have gone by. If you have nothing to distract yourself with, then trips can be quite the excruciating experience. I’ve gone and prepared a few tips on how to make the most of your Ohio Coach trip the next time you’re onboard.
1. Get to your stop early.
Are you someone that prefers a window seat? How about someone that doesn’t like to get stuck at the very back of the bus behind everyone else? Getting to the station early is absolutely necessary to start your trip off on the right foot. Seats are doled out on a first come, first serve basis, so being there early is a must if there are certain seats you prefer. Likewise, getting to the stop early allows for quicker check-ins, meaning that your bus is less likely to be held up. Getting to the bus early benefits everyone, so make the effort to be there 30 minutes before your trip is scheduled
2. Snacks are a must.
Trips from the Midwest to NYC can take quite a while. Since the bus only stops for gas between stops, it’s important to not rely on these stops for sustenance. Make sure to bring a bit of food along with you when you get on the bus. I recommend some breakfast bars or sandwiches; they keep your costs down and your belly full without making too much of a mess. A few sweets might put you in an extra good meal as well. Be careful with drinks though; spills make everyone on the bus a little dourer.
3. Download the Ohio Coach app before riding.
Nothing eats up time like an engrossing movie. Be it the latest drama or a hit superhero flick, movies are a way that we can lose ourselves a bit in a story. They also tend to all last around two hours or so, meaning that a sizeable chunk of your trip can disappear in the length of just one movie. Now imagine that you had access to an entire library of newer movies fresh out of the theaters right on your phone? Well, you do if you download the Ohio Coach app. In addition to free onboard WiFi, you get access to our impressive Hollywood Movies catalogue, currently featuring movies like Crazy Rich Asians, The Incredibles 2, and Black Panther. If you’re a fan of the cinema, then downloading this app is simply a must. Plus, if you decide to book on there through your account, you can earn reward points for future ticket purchases! Score!
Any questions? Anything else you think you should add? Reach out to us on Facebook and let us know what we missed, and in the meantime, happy travels!